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Volunteer With Us


At The Octagon Theatre & Westlands Entertainment Venue, there are a number of opportunities to volunteer, from our Foyer Club volunteers who support our Front of House teams to our Participate Volunteers and Octagon Buddies who support our Arts Engagement & Outreach programme.

Foyer Club Front of House Volunteer


Octagon & Westlands Participate Volunteer: to support the Arts Engagement & Outreach team with the running of the Participation and Arts for Health & Wellbeing programmes.

Anyone 16+ can volunteer for this role, and we will match them with a participation class that suits their interests (e.g. dance, music, theatre etc.) We are particularly looking for volunteers to support our Parkinson’s Dance project in Langport and our Movement Through Cancer project here at Westlands from January.

Octagon Theatre Buddies Volunteer: to act as companions and advocates for patrons, supporting people to experience the theatre and set foot in venues, who without this support would not have done so previously.

Anyone 18+ can volunteer for this role. It is part of our ‘Buddying Scheme’ initiative which will match up patrons that might not feel confident in coming to the theatre alone, haven’t been before or do not know what to expect and need a little additional support, with a volunteer.

Foyer Club Volunteers: The Foyer Club are Westlands Entertainment Venue & The Octagon Theatre's team of fantastic volunteers. In February 2014 they became a registered charity who fundraise in support of the arts. Registered Charity Number: 1155888.

When you visit both venues it will probably be Foyer Club members who greet you, show you to your seat, sell you a programme or ice cream and answer your enquiries.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers please talk to our Box Office or call us on 01935 422884.

Participate Volunteer

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  • Spotlight March Edition 005

    Spotlight March Edition 005